Jun 24, 2015 at 6pm - Jul 1, 2015 at 4pm
This assignment was locked Jul 1, 2015 at 4pm.
Please respond to each of the following questions (approximately 250 words each). Please choose one question to answer at greater length (approximately 500 words). Answers should be thoughtful and demonstrate serious reflection on course readings and class discussion. Each short answer will be worth 10 points; the long answer will be worth 20 points.
1. In both The Second Sex and America Day by Day, Beauvoir says that prejudiced people are right when they say that certain groups are inferior--where she disagrees is in what "to be" means in such a statement. What does she mean by this? To illustrate your interpretation, compare Beauvoir's thinking here with the thinking of one other author from the course.
2. How do the words "reproductive rights" mean different things to different groups of women in the U.S., according to Davis? What caused this difference, historically? Where do you see a connection between the history Davis discusses and the histories of reproductive/sexual politics we have encountered in other readings (for example, regarding racial assimilation or intermarriage)?
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
Takes a clear position in response to the question; makes specific references to the text to support its claims; addresses the text on its own terms; demonstrates a strong understanding of and deep reflection on the reading.
Responds to the question; refers to the text to support its claims; attempts to engage with the logic of the text; demonstrates understanding of and reflection on the reading.
Partially responds to the question; sometimes generalizes to support its claims; sometimes uses assumptions or "common sense" to explain the text; demonstrates partial understanding of the reading, and reflection on certain aspects.
Doesn't respond to the question; relies on generalizations, abstractions, and assumptions; demonstrates little understanding of or reflection on the reading.
Takes a clear position in response to the question; makes specific references to the text to support its claims; addresses the text on its own terms; demonstrates strong understanding of and deep reflection on the reading.
Responds to the question; refers to the text to support its claims; attempts to engage with the logic of the text; demonstrates understanding of and reflection on the reading.
Partially responds to the question; sometimes generalizes to support its claims; sometimes uses assumptions or "common sense" to explain the text; demonstrates partial understanding of the reading, and reflection on certain aspects.
Doesn't respond to the question; relies on generalizations, abstractions, and assumptions; demonstrates little understanding of or reflection on the reading.