Course Syllabus

Wednesdays: 4:10 - 7:00 in 1174 Etcheverry Hall

Description: This Freshman-level Introductory course will provide an intuitive overview of the fundamental problems addressed and methods in the fields of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research including Constrained Optimization, Linear Programming, Graphs and Networks, Machine Learning/Classification, Scheduling, Queues and Chains, Collaborative Filtering, and Game Theory. The course will focus on two-dimensional, i.e., bivariate, examples where the problems and methods are amenable to visualization and geometric intuition.  The course will discuss applications such as dieting, scheduling, and transportation. This course will not require pre-requisites and will present the core concepts in a self-contained manner that is accessible to Freshmen to provide the foundation for future coursework.

Credit:  3 units, Freshman Level

Pre-Requisites:  None

Required Materials:  Will be provided in class notes. Readings will be selected sections from textbooks such as:  Introduction to Operations Research ed. by Frederick S Hillier.

GSI:  Sanjay Krishnan



20% Class Participation (Attendance, Questions, & Notetaking)

20% Homework

20% Mid-Term Exam

40% Final Exam during Final Exam Period


Tentative Schedule:

Week Topic Course Notes/Readings Other
August 24 Introduction to Course, Logistics, and Overview week-1-scribe-notes.pdf
August 31 Introduction to Optimization and Linear Programming
September 7 Linear Programming continued Sanjay Out
September 14 Introduction to Graphs and Networks
September 21 Graphs and Networks Continued
September 28 Introduction to Statistics
October 5 Midterm Review
October 12 Midterm (tentative) Prof. Goldberg Out
October 19 Introduction to Machine Learning
October 26 Machine Learning Continued
November 2 Scheduling Problems
November 9  Queues and Chains
November 16 Intro to Logic and Relational Database Design
November 23 Class Cancelled For Thanksgiving
November 30 Final Review




Course Summary:

Date Details Due