Course Syllabus

Specific assignments and milestones will appear in the lower half of this page as deadlines are set. The general course plan is as follows.

(For details and specific materials associated with the iterations, click the Modules tab at left.)

Note that each 2-week iteration begins on a Monday and ends on the Friday of the following week, with iteration checkpoint deliverables due 11:59pm that Friday.

Iter. end date Milestones
1/22 Team survey, dev setup & team expectations assignments (see below)
1/29 Meeting with & working with the customer; Projects assigned
2/5 Initial customer meeting, Tracker setup for Iter 1, recurring customer meeting time set
2/12 Project deploy: specs & features pass locally and in CI, badges updated in team's fork
2/19 end of Iteration 1 - checkpoint
3/5 end of Iteration 2 - checkpoint
3/19 end of Iteration 3 - checkpoint
3/26 Spring break
4/9 end of Iteration 4 - checkpoint
4/16 code review assignment due
4/23 end of Iteration 5 - checkpoint
4/28 HKN course eval; Project handoff/wrapup
5/5 (RRR week) Presentations/demos. -- May 1
5/12 (Finals week)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due