Course Syllabus

INFO 202: Information Organization and Retrieval


Required textbooks

  Glushko, Robert J. (Editor). The Discipline of Organizing. O'Reilly Media, 2014. 

  Kent, William. Data and Reality (3rd Edition). Technics Publications, 2012. 


Other readings

Many of the non-textbook readings are behind paywalls, and can be accessed by setting up the UC Berkeley library proxy server on your browser.

Just as the endnotes in TDO are tagged by disciplines (see the key below), we will tag our Recommended Readings by discipline to help you decide whether they'll be of interest to you. Recommended readings are chosen to give deeper, more domain-specific takes on the more abstract concepts you'll be learning, to help give them more grounding in your goals and interests – you don't HAVE to read any of them, but we're hoping you'll WANT to read at least a few of them over the course of the semester. We'll be adding more of them in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on this page. 






Weds 9/3

Orientation,  Intro to TDO

  • TDO Chapter 1






Mon 9/8

Case Studies






Weds 9/10


  • TDO Chapter 10






Mon 9/15

Activities 1

  • TDO Chapter 2





Weds 9/17

Activities 2





Mon 9/22

Resources 1

  • Pew Internet Project. “The Internet of Things Will Thrive by 2025.” Pages 1-20





Weds 9/24

Resources 2

  • TDO Sections 3.5, 8.3.1-8.3.2
  • Smith, Abby. “Authenticity in perspective.” Authenticity in a digital environment, 2000. Pages 69-75





Mon 9/29

Resource Description 1

  • TDO Sections 4.1- 4.3
  • Recommended Tool for Working with XML Resource Descriptions is XML Spy






Weds 10/1

Resource Description 2





Mon 10/6

(Ryan's music slides)

Describing multimedia and non-text





Weds 10/8

Relationships and Structures 1

  • TDO Sections 5.1- 5.4
  • Kent Chapter 4
  • [Com, Ling]  Fellbaum, Christiane. Wordnet, 2010. (skip sections 10.12-10.15) 





Mon 10/13







Weds 10/15

Relationships and Structures 2

  • TDO Sections 5.5- 5.7
  • TDO Chapter 8 through the end of 8.2.1





Mon 10/20

Relationships and Structures 3





Weds 10/22

Relationships and Structures 4





Mon 10/27


  • TDO Chapter 6





Weds 10/29

Classification 1






Mon 11/3

Classification 2

  • TDO Sections 7.3-7.6





Weds 11/5

Interactions 1






Mon 11/10

Interactions 2






Weds 11/12

Text Processing, Boolean Model






Mon 11/17

Vector Models






Weds 11/19

Web Search, Structure Models






Mon 11/24








Weds 11/26

Alumni day







Mon 12/1

NLP, Mobile, and Multimedia Information Retrieval





Weds 12/3

Machine Learning, Image Recognition






Mon 12/8

Course wrap-up







Weds 12/10

Project review/discussion







Thurs 12/18

Projects Due




Key to discipline tags: [Com] Computing; [IA] Information architecture; [Web] Web architecture, standards, etc; [LIS] Library & information science; [Mus] Museums; [Arc] Archives; [Cog] Cognitive science; [Ling] Linguistics; [Phil] Philosophy; [Law] Law; [Bus] Business 



In addition to a final deliverable, there will be eight smaller assignments. The tentative schedule is:

  Assigned Due
Assignment 1 9/8 9/15
Assignment 2 9/15 9/22
Assignment 3 9/29 10/6
Assignment 4 10/15 10/22
Assignment 5 10/22 10/29
Assignment 6 10/29 11/5
Assignment 7 11/5 11/12
Assignment 8 11/17 12/3



Your overall grade in the course will be determined based on these components:

  • 8 required and 1 optional assignments (30% of overall course grade)
  • Case study project (20%)
  • In-class open book Exam 1 on October 13th (20%)
  • In-class open book Exam 2 on November 24th (20%)
  • Class participation (10%)


Office hours

  • Bob's office hours are on Mondays from 12:00-12:30pm and 1:30-2:00pm. TA office hours are by appointment.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due